Thanksgiving in Casablanca83(2023)
11月25日 週六
Casablanca 83 is hosting an American style Thanksgiving banquet with drinks included. 我們會準備美式的感恩餐點和飲品, and also held the CB83 Quiz Game with all guests. 我們也會舉辦一場有趣的CB83益智問答遊戲

Time and Place
2023年11月25日 下午4:00 – 下午9:00
Baoshan, Baoshan, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 308
Casablanca 83 is hosting an American style Thanksgiving banquet with drinks included. 我們會準備美式的感恩餐點和飲品, and also held the CB83 Quiz Game with all guests. 我們也會舉辦一場有趣的CB83益智問答遊戲
Time:16:00~21:00 The price of the event will be: NTD$500/person Members of CB83 NTD$250元 酌收場地清潔費和食材費用 每人$500 (莊園成員$250元) Your presence will surely be of great pleasure to us. 期待您的光臨
Please reply before 11/20 (Mon) , thank you
The hostess Anty 0910168123 LineID : blueshark168